Passover Seder Plate | Embossed Metal – Silver

USD $57.00

The Passover Seder plate (Hebrew: קערה‎, ke’ara) is a special plate containing symbolic foods eaten or displayed at the Passover Seder.

This beautifully designed and embossed, silver-colored metal seder plate, was manufactured in Israel for use during the Passover seder. Each of the six areas be filled with items listed on the plate has a special significance to the retelling of the story of Passover—the story of Israel’s exodus from Egypt—and are the focal point of the Passover seder.

Enjoy using this beautifully designed, durable 14-inch seder plate year-after-year!


ביצהBeitzah: The Roasted Egg is symbolic of the Passover sacrifice made in biblical times.

כרפםKarpas: Parsley is dipped into salt water during the seder. A small vial of saltwater sits nearby, and the karpas is dipped into it several times throughout the meal. Dipping food was considered a luxury in ancient times. This act symbolizes new life as we walk out of slavery into the Promised Land.

חזרתChazeret: Lettuce is often used in addition to the maror, a bitter herb. The authorities are divided on the requirement of chazeret, so not all communities use it. Since the commandment (in Numbers 9:11) to eat the paschal lamb “with unleavened bread and bitter herbs” uses the plural (“bitter herbs”) most seder plates have a place for chazeret.

חרןםתCharoset: In contrast to the maror, charoset is sweet applesauce filled with chunks of apples, nuts, wine, and cinnamon. Charoset not only signifies the mortar placed between the bricks created by the Hebrews while in slavery but also reflects the goodness (the sweetness) of God, who is faithful to remove the bitter roots from our lives.

זרןע Zeroah: A well-known symbol of Passover is the roasted lamb shank bone. The bone commemorates the lamb sacrifice made the evening that the ancient Hebrews fled Egypt. Zeroah means arm and refers to the outstretched arm of the Lord, as He saved the Jewish people from slavery.

מרןרMaror: Bitter Herbs (usually horseradish) symbolize the bitterness the ancient Hebrews experienced while living in Egypt. Maror is a spicy root that, when eaten, brings tears to the eyes. Maror is used in the seder because of the commandment (in Numbers 9:11) to eat the paschal lamb “with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.” It is also a time for modern-day Believers to reflect on bitter enslavements within themselves.

Additional information

Weight 18 oz
Dimensions 13 × 13 × 3 in