These Young People Need Your Help…
Thank you so much for your heartfelt consideration of joining us as we support Safe Houses for disadvantaged young people in Israel. Through your generous giving, together we can make a difference in the lives of many young people as we provide them with a safe and loving environment as they transition into adulthood.
At Curt Landry Ministries, we believe that God has given every child a valuable and unique destiny—a destiny for greatness.
Today, over 12,000 Israeli children are living in family foster care or in residential group center situations throughout Israel. Most of these children come from broken homes with backgrounds of sexual abuse, violence, and neglect. When these foster children turn 18-years-old, the Israeli government ends their support, leaving most of these young people to fend for themselves—out in the world without the guidance and support of loving and caring individuals.A Second Chance for Greatness…
Can you imagine having no place to call home for the holidays? How would your own life have been different, with no familial support as you entered adulthood –no wisdom shared from your parents or grandparents?
This is a reality for many of these children as they turn 18. Not only are they faced with financial stress, but the lack of consistent support and encouragement in their young adult life often creates extreme emotional trauma. These pressures combined, cause talented and intelligent young people to lose hope.
In response to this concern, Curt Landry Ministries has partnered with the Bridge to Independence program in Israel to provide and sponsor Safe House apartments for these young men and women (ages 18-24), who have big dreams and little support—young Israelis who are working toward their goals in college, the IDF, and the workforce.
What we do through these Safe Houses in Israel is provide groups of 5-8 young adults, a place to live, with a house-parent who assures that they stay on track with their goals and dreams—assisting and loving them throughout their transition into adulthood.
This is a program that not only acts as a bridge for young people where they have outgrown their foster family or residential group center environments, but also provides the next essential step in guiding them into an independent lifestyle where they can become responsible assets within their communities and the overall Israeli society.
Proivding a Safety Net
When you help support a Safe House, you are providing a safety net for these young people to successfully adapt and excel within society.
The need for Safe Houses like these is growing every year…
We have already made the commitment and are currently sponsoring a Safe House for young women in Jerusalem. This Safe House has proven to be such a blessing to many young women who have made their dreams a reality and are now on their way to successful careers within their communities.
Now is the time to EXPAND… and WE NEED YOUR HELP!
It is because of the successful track record of our young women’s Safe House in Jerusalem, that we have now been asked to expand our sponsorship with an additional commitment to sponsor another Safe House in Israel—this time a Safe House for young men… and we have said, “YES!”
These Young People Need Your Help…
They need to be given a second chance. They have in them a destiny and a future for greatness, and through Curt Landry Ministries we are giving you the opportunity to sow into their lives. You need to be a part of this incredible program that makes such a tremendous difference in the lives of so many.