One New Man Plumbline Series
A message by Curt Landry
In this prophetic and informative 4-disc teaching set, The One New Man PlumbLine, Curt Landry helps you unlock the power of the One New Man through proper alignment!
PART 1—THE ONE NEW MAN PLUMBLINE Curt Landry speaks about the breakdown between the Church and Israel, beginning with the separation of Passover and Easter—commencing at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD—and continues on to this present day.
PART 2—IDENTITY IN THE THREE STRANDED CORD Curt brings an important message about “the three stranded cord” and what this means in your life as a Believer. This process begins when your identity is found after an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Then God provides an anointing to facilitate the call. Finally, Curt reveals how to prepare for the third stage, by “moving into alignment” for His glory!
PART 3—BENEFITS OF THE ONE NEW MAN Curt looks at why it is important to understand the One New Man, the benefits of being a part of the One New Man, and how it impacts your life and your church.
PART 4—ONE NEW MAN: THE MYSTERY REVEALED What is the mystery of the One New Man? In this final message, Curt Landry uncovers the connection between the two witnesses in the Book of Revelation—the Church in Philadelphia, and the Key of David!