When observed today, Heaven’s windows are open, allowing Believers to experience more of God’s goodness. There is a deeper revelation of our deliverance from death and an understanding of our Kingdom’s purposes.
The Purpose of the
Spring Feasts Biblical Study
Passover and Shavuot are still relevant today.
The purpose of this study is to reveal how these feasts are part of a Believer’s spiritual heritage and still pertain to the Church today.
- Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (see Heb. 13:8)
- God cannot lie (see Num. 23:19)
- We are grafted into Israel and are now partakers of the fatness of the olive tree (see Rom. 11:17)
- God commanded these feasts to be observed throughout the generations (see Ex. 12:14)
Shavuot was the giving of the law and the birth of the Church (see Lev. 23:17, Acts 2:1-4) …then why not celebrate these times on God’s calendar?
Let us discover the richness of our heritage and align our bodies, souls, and spirits with the Lord’s.
“And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”—Galatians 3:29
What to Expect from the Spring Feast Biblical Study
Passover is a remarkable part of your spiritual heritage.
In this part of the study, you will discover…
- The history of Passover
- The symbolism of Passover
- How to celebrate Passover as a Believer
BONUS >> Your book also comes with a free educational and instructional graphic to help you set up your Seder plate.
Counting Down of the Omer
Counting Down of the Omer is the fifty-day period between Passover and Shavuot.
In this part of the study, you will discover…
• How to prepare your heart for the release of instruction that comes at Shavuot
Shavuot—the Hebrew word for weeks—is commonly referred to as
the Festival of Weeks. God commanded the celebration of Shavuot at the conclusion of Counting Down of the Omer.
In this part of the study, you will discover…
- The history of Shavuot
- How to celebrate Shavuot as a Believer: A Call to Reclaim at the end of the study, we will examine how the enemy has come to kill, steal, and destroy your spiritual inheritance. When you understand how the dark principalities of this world have operated, you begin to see past the physical and into the spiritual, being confident of your future. In this part of the study, you will discover…
- How the enemy has attempted to remove the Jewish roots of your faith
- Steps you can take to reclaim and activate the promises at the end of each section you will be asked to reflect on what you learned through applicable scripture, and then will be given guided questions to continue your study.
Book Details
- Paperback book
- 160 pages