Sow a Feast Offering.
The Windows of Heaven Are Open!
Sowing a financial seed during God’s appointed times aligns you with the blessings the Father releases as we place our feet beneath His table.
Let the Light of God’s Glory Shine
Passover 2025/5785 is the moment when the windows of Heaven are open, and the light of His glory will activate the seeds sown into abundance, prosperity, and success. It is time to take on the new opportunities God is presenting to you this season!
Sow a Seed and Unlock Kingdom Destinies
Align Your Life
Step into His Presence
Reap a Harvest
Sow your Feast Offering Today!
Sowing a Seed During the Spring Feasts
When you give during the Spring Feasts of Passover and Shavuot, it releases the 9 blessings of Passover and empowers you to make the changes His Spirit reveals to us during this season.
Sowing a Seed During the Fall Feasts
When you give during the Fall Feasts, you are remembering and renewing your covenant with Him. You are His bride, and Yeshua is the bridegroom. Sowing into your marriage covenant establishes and activates His promises in your life.
Sowing According to the Bible | What Your Seed Does
It is important to sow according to and in alignment with the Bible. Because of our long-standing connection and relationship with Israeli officials, the IDF, Holocaust survivors, and various children’s groups, your offering directly impacts the nation of Israel. Sowing a Feast Offering seed fulfills God’s prophetic promises that He has not forgotten Israel and is in the process of restoring her.
When you decide to be a part of God’s business, fulfilling His Word, He moves mightily in your own life!
The Bible tells us to…
- Sow into God’s nation, Israel
Israel has always been and will always be God’s chosen nation.
“For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.”—Deuteronomy 7:6
God’s promises to Israel are eternal. And because we know He keeps His covenant promises to His chosen people, we too can have faith He keeps His promises to us. Therefore, we can sow a seed in faith because He is faithful to His Word.
How Your Support Sows into Israel
Your Feast Offering helps to take care of young men and women in safe houses in Israel. These young men and women have been through tough times growing up and have no outside support. Your giving allows them to begin to heal from past hurts and provides emotional, financial, educational, and relationship support so they can be who God designed them to be.
Your Feast Offering helps to care for lone soldiers in Israel. Many of Israel’s neighbors are against her. Israeli Lone Soldiers, many of whom have little to no support, risk their lives and much more to answer the call to protect the Promised Land’s borders. Their protection of the land is directly tied to fulfilling prophecy. Your giving sows seed into God’s promises for the people and nation of Israel by providing basic needs, furnishings, and an apartment where they can relax during their time off.
- Sow into and Support Widows and Orphans
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.”—James 1:27
When we support those who are the “least of these,” the ones who are overlooked or forgotten, we fulfill James’ words above.
How Your Support Sows into Widows and Orphans
Your Feast Offerings help to feed and provide basic needs to more than 450 Holocaust survivors. Your giving allows these elderly people to enjoy this season of their lives. Many have barely enough money to cover medications. Your giving provides special meals, celebrations, shoes, furnishings, blankets, food boxes, and much more weekly, monthly, and yearly.
Your Feast Offerings help to feed the orphans. Many officials in Israel reach out to us because they know how faithful you are. Because of you, we can say yes to needs immediately, and relief and blessings go out to those who need it most. An example is meeting the needs of children and orphans from Ukraine. Your giving allowed many Ukrainian orphans who found refuge in Israel to attend summer camps where they were able to receive support, learn Hebrew, have structure, and better understand the culture.
- Sow into the Land
“Therefore prophesy concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains, the hills, the rivers, and the valleys… But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches and yield your fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come. For indeed I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you shall be tilled and sown.”—Ezekiel 36:6, 8-9
God’s Word tells us He will restore the land of Israel, causing it to yield fruit. God is for the land of Israel and its restoration.
How Your Support Sows into the Land
Your faithful support allows crops such as olive trees to be planted and cared for year after year in Israel. Proceeds from various products are given back to the nation of Israel via various humanitarian aid projects.
How Much Do I Sow at the Feasts of the Lord?
Sowing a seed during the Feasts of the Lord is hoping for what is to come and the potential harvest. You can sow a financial see of any amount. There is no requirement. It depends on the harvest you want to produce. When you follow the Spirit’s leading with your giving and sow according to Him, your harvest will be much greater.
The heart motive behind the seed offering is faith and reward. The Bible is clear that the return is 30, 60, or 100-fold. But for it to produce a 100-fold crop, there are many conditions.
The right seed must be planted in very fertile soil. Signs of fertile soil are…
- It has produced abundance in previous years
- It is committed to producing in the current year
- It has produced fruit that has furthered the Kingdom.
At Curt Landry Ministries, it is our heart to align with God, stand with Israel, and do everything we can to provide rich hundred-fold soil that you can sow into during these appointed times and expect an abundant return!
- “But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.”—Matthew 13:8